The Fledgling Fund - Helping Documentaries Make a Mark
An equity and investment professional who used to reside in Belvedere, California, and currently lives in Florida, Michael T. Jackson is a supporter of a number of charitable organizations. For example, Michael T. Jackson has helped to fund several documentary movies through the Fledgling Fund (FF).
Created by Diana Barrett in 2005, the Fledgling Fund is committed to using creative media, such as film, to address a wide range of complex social issues. To accomplish its mission, the FF provides financial support to projects that fill gaps and create calls to action to create social change. Along with its grant program and other special initiatives, the Fledgling Fund offers the Engagement Lab, a resource for documentary filmmakers.
A collaborative environment, the first Engagement Lab was held in 2014. During the lab, documentary filmmakers whose projects are in the planning or early stages of development meet with mentors and experts who help create impactful works with unique voices. Participants, called Fledgling Fellows, also work together to help create the best possible finished product. Additionally, the Engagement Lab produces papers, blog posts, and case studies, so that other documentary filmmakers can learn, even if they cannot participate directly.
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