Documentary Examines Growing Crisis of Income Inequality
An entrepreneur who formerly resided in Belvedere, Michael T. Jackson has founded companies such as Emerging Growth Management and SFG Asset Advisors. Through the Fledgling Fund, Michael T. Jackson has helped to fund documentaries such as Inequality for All. Directed by Jacob Kornbluth, Inequality for All examines income inequality in a film starring former US Department of Labor secretary Richard Reich. After Kornbluth read Reich's book Aftershock, he approached the author with the idea of creating a film based upon it. Kornbluth has a background in comedy and drew on that experience for the film, mixing humor with an educational look at economics. The documentary highlights Reich’s teaching at Berkeley, where students taking his wealth and poverty class often find inspiration to go out and make a difference in society. By looking at societal inequalities and economic health, Inequality for All provides a moving exploration of our current society and where we need to go. ...